Battle of Bots: Spanish Edition

Comparing GPT-4 and GPT-4o for Personalized Spanish Learning Plans

Some say relying on AI for language learning is the future of education.

This week Chat GPT-4o was released.

This new version of the language model is supposed to be much better than the previous one.

I wanted to see if it is really better for learning Spanish.

According to the claims about using this bot to learn Spanish, it can help to:

  • Create a personalized learning plan

  • Help you with vocabulary acquisition

  • Provide grammar explanations and practice

  • Simulate real-life conversations

  • Offer reading and listening comprehension exercises

Prompt for a Personalized Spanish Learning Plan

With this in mind, I created a personalized Spanish learning plan, gave the same prompt to both versions of the bot, and then compared their answers to see which of them would be better based on my 20+ years of experience designing and teaching Spanish courses.

Here is the prompt:

Hi, I want to learn Spanish for my career. I am at the intermediate level. Can you help me create a personalized learning plan, please?


Chat GPT-4 (the old version)

Great! Since you’re at the intermediate level and focusing on career advancement, we can tailor your Spanish learning plan to include industry-specific vocabulary and scenarios. Here’s a personalized plan to help you progress:

1. Vocabulary Expansion

   - Focus on learning vocabulary specific to your industry. You can use apps like Anki for custom flashcards.

   - Dedicate at least 30 minutes each day to this activity.

2. Practical Application

   - Engage in role-play scenarios that you might encounter in your workplace. This could include presentations, meetings, or networking events.

   - Try to do at least two 15-minute sessions per week.

3. Listening and Comprehension

   - Watch videos and listen to podcasts relevant to your profession in Spanish. Platforms like YouTube and Spotify are great for this.

   - Aim for about 30 minutes of listening practice daily.

4. Speaking Practice

   - Participate in language exchanges or find a speaking partner who is also a professional in your field. This could be through platforms like Tandem or italki.

   - Schedule at least two 30-minute conversations per week.

5. Reading and Writing

   - Read industry-related news articles, blogs, and reports in Spanish. Websites like El País or BBC Mundo can provide you with ample resources.

   - Write summaries or opinions about the articles you read. Share these with a tutor or peer for feedback.

6. Regular Review and Adjustment

   - Set monthly goals and review your progress. Adjust your plan as needed based on what areas you feel require more focus.

This structured approach should help you integrate Spanish more effectively into your professional life and enhance your communication skills within your career. If you need resources for any of these activities or further guidance, feel free to ask!

Chat GPT-4o (the new version)

Absolutely! Crafting a personalized learning plan for Spanish can really boost your proficiency, especially at the intermediate level. Here’s a structured approach tailored to your career goals:

1. Skill Assessment: Begin by identifying specific areas where you feel less confident—be it conversational fluency, business vocabulary, or written communication.

2. Goal Setting: Define clear, achievable goals. For instance, "I want to be able to participate confidently in business meetings in Spanish by the end of six months."

3. Resource Allocation:

   - Textbooks: Find a textbook focused on business Spanish. "Español para los negocios" could be a good start.

   - Apps: Use apps like Babbel or FluentU that have specialized lessons for business vocabulary.

   - Online Tutors: Schedule regular sessions with tutors who specialize in business Spanish. Platforms like iTalki can be helpful.

4. Practice Schedule:

   - Daily Practice: Dedicate at least 30 minutes daily to vocabulary and grammar exercises.

   - Weekly Conversations: Have at least one 60-minute conversation per week with a language partner or tutor focused on business topics.

5. Real-World Application:

   - Meetings: Try to participate in or observe meetings conducted in Spanish, even if just virtually.

   - Networking: Engage with Spanish-speaking professionals in your field via LinkedIn or local business events.

6. Review and Adjust: Monthly review your progress and adjust your learning strategies if needed.

Would you like tips on specific resources or further customization based on your field of work?


Chat GPT-4 Pros

  • Covers all key skill areas - vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, writing.

  • Allocates specific time for practice in each area.

  • Emphasizes practical application through role-plays and industry materials.

  • Suggests good resources like Anki, podcasts, language exchanges.

  • Includes regular review and adjustment.

Chat GPT-4 Cons

  • Could provide more specific examples of industry vocabulary lists or resource recommendations tailored to the learner's career

Chat GPT-4o Pros

  • Starts with skill assessment and goal-setting, which is very important.

  • Recommends finding targeted business Spanish textbook and apps.

  • Schedules regular conversation practice with tutors.

  • Suggests real-world application through meetings and networking.

  • Monthly review process.

Chat GPT-4o Cons

  • Allocates less overall practice time than Chat GPT-4.

  • Does not specify balanced practice across skills like reading, writing, etc.

  • Resource recommendations are more general, not as career-tailored.

And the Winner Is...

Overall, both plans are effective for an intermediate learner wanting to progress for career purposes.

The Chat GPT-4 plan is slightly more comprehensive and balanced across skills.

However, Chat GPT-4o plan has a stronger start with assessment and goal-setting.

My recommendation would be to combine the best elements of both and create your ultimate, super-duper, master Spanish learning plan like this one:

  1. Conduct a skill assessment and set specific, measurable goals as Chat GPT-4o suggests.

  2. Follow the well-rounded practice schedule from Chat GPT-4, allocating time daily/weekly for vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

  3. Use the resources and strategies suggested by both - find industry-specific textbooks, apps, tutors, and materials as recommended.

  4. Implement Chat GPT-4o’s real-world application through meetings, networking, etc.

  5. Schedule regular progress reviews toward your goals and adjust the plan as needed.

With this combined approach, an intermediate learner could make excellent targeted progress in Spanish for their career.

Have you used an artificial intelligence bot in your Spanish learning? Share your experience in the comments section!

Let me know if you need any other specific recommendations!



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